Decluttering Free Time: Pastor’s Corner (10.16.2017)

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When God made time, he made plenty of it…stress is a perverted relationship to time. John O’Donohue

In this week’s sermon, we considered how liberating it might be to declutter our free time. I invited us to try it out this week through an eye-opening time-tracking experiment. So here are 3 easy steps to do just that!

  1. Set your phone’s alarm a couple of times a day to record on your calendar what you’ve done with your free time. If you use Google calendar, you can even create a dedicated calendar just for this week.
  2. At the end of each day, set aside 10 minutes to look over your calendar. As you reflect on your free time choices, ask yourself “Which of these activities created space to sense God’s presence? Which obscured God’s presence or caused stress?” Color-code entries that were especially positive or negative.
  3. On Saturday or Sunday morning, look over your color-coded entries for the whole week to see if you notice any patterns. We’ll take a few minutes to learn from each other’s experiences at Celebration—but don’t worry, it will be accessible for everyone whether you were able to do this or not.

That’s it. This whole experiment will take less than an hour of your time, and will hopefully be an insightful, freeing experience. Let’s declutter together!

Grace and peace,

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